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Horus: Million Dollar Air-Mail NFT Drop on Base

Nashville, TN, May 16, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - Roughly a month ago, NFT LA teamed up with NFT Punks to honor the memory of Michael Brooks, affectionately known as "The Rook" with a limited edition commemorative NFT celebrating his contributions sponsored by aivp.ai.

This NFT drop became a landmark event, as it is the largest Air-mail NFT drop ever on the Base Chain, directly sent to our community via email. No wallet is required on your end, as one will be automatically generated for you through Horus Wallet.

What happened next was absolutely unexpected!

The NFTs started trading at 0.5 ETH each, putting the 823 NFT collection at 411.5 ETH with a value topping $1,200,000!

If you are one of the lucky ones, simply visit https://horuswallet.com/, log in with your email, and a new wallet will be created for you, enabling you to claim the free NFT.

In 2022, NFT LA was created to bring together the people who are at the foundation of creating the Web3 future. There is no time more important than now to inspire, connect, and educate each other and grow the Web3 future together. NFT LA was the place where we, as a community, do exactly that.

NFT Punks was established to think differently and bring utility to NFTs, we believe that blockchain is all about community.

About Horus Wallet INTERFACE

The ZeHorus Walletrion Interface consists of the Horus Wallet web-hosted user interface, available at https://horuswallet.com/, and the Horus Wallet mobile application, each of which allows you to connect the Horus Wallet or a third-party digital asset wallet to store and transfer certain supported digital assets (including cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens, digital asset indices, liquidity pool shares and staking tokens) in order to track and monitor a portfolio of digital assets as well as access and interact with certain supported decentralized protocols and decentralized applications (collectively “dapps”). Some of the dapps accessible using the Horus Wallet Interface may also involve accessing certain digital asset markets, boards, or interfaces allowing for complex financial transactions. In order to use the Horus Wallet Interface, you must already have a digital asset wallet that is supported in the Horus Wallet Interface. For more information, visit https://horuswallet.com/terms.

Media contact:
Plato Data Intelligence



  • ASGH匯聚超过80位来自全球医疗健康产业精英,探讨多个前瞻性议题,包括脑神经科学的最新发展、精准医疗、中医药现代应用等
  • 医疗展网罗约300展商展示崭新医疗器材及科技,包括脑退化评估系统及促进伤口癒合的生物科技等创新方案
  • 医疗展参展商带来首个香港制造的全骨科手术辅助机械人

香港, 2024年5月16日 - (亚太商讯) - 由香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)策动的第三届「国际医疗健康周」已正式开展,当中备受关注的旗舰活动之一第四届「亚洲医疗健康高峰论坛」(ASGH)在今明两日(5月16至17日)假湾仔香港会议展览中心盛大举行,以「创新.共融.成效」(Innovation.Inclusion.Impact)为主题,推动来自全球与会者与业内翘楚交流。另一旗舰活动第15届「香港国际医疗及保健展」(5月16至18日)亦于同日展开,吸引约300家展商参展,展示一系列崭新医疗产品及方案,促进业界环球合作,推动香港发展成医疗创新枢纽。

ASGH开幕环节由香港贸发局主席林建岳博士致欢迎辞,他表示:「亚洲在全球医疗健康行业生态系统的重要性日益增长,香港作为国际金融和商业中心,亦正致力成为健康和医疗创新枢纽,由香港贸发局策动的『国际医疗健康周』,当中旗舰活动『亚洲医疗健康高峰论坛』及『香港国际医疗及保健展』网罗亚洲及不同地区行业精英聚首一堂,为业界缔造合作及投资良机,携手推动亚洲医疗保健的创新发展。 」




论坛匯聚行业星级嘉宾 深入讨论前瞻议题

在今日的主题环节I中,医务衞生局局长卢宠茂教授发表特别致辞,阐述政府筹备成立香港药物及医疗器械监督管理中心,推动香港成为医疗创新枢纽的进程。国家工业和信息化部消费品工业司司长何亚琼则分享中国如何推动医药工业实现高质量发展,并透过香港作平台,推动中国药企进入国际市场。主题环节II则邀请到2006年诺贝尔化学奖得主、史丹福大学结构生物学教授Roger Kornberg担任论坛主讲嘉宾,分享生物科技领域的最新发展。


人工智能(AI)是近年热话,在医疗健康产业的应用愈来愈广泛。大会在今日下午特设「人工智能驱动医健创新发展」专题讨论环节,由来自美敦力、HeartFlow, Inc等嘉宾探讨人工智能为医健产业带来的机遇及实际应用,包括诊断心血管疾病等。


连接投资机会 促进医疗健康产业合作及制定营商策略

论坛场内设有InnoHealth Showcase及展览专区,超过150个医疗健康相关创科企业及公司,展示了涵盖医药与治疗、智能医疗、医疗器械与诊断、社区健康与保健等多个范畴的项目与服务方案,并在会场内与世界各地的投资者联繫、寻找潜在合作伙伴。当中超过70家初创由六间本地大学及数码港牵头组织,其中不少更为今年日内瓦发明展获奖项目。除香港科技园及创新科技署继续参展,今年来自澳洲的Investment NSW及四川省中医药管理局亦首次带领多家医疗创科公司及机构来港,通过论坛寻找合作伙伴。

除了展示成果及介绍项目,论坛亦设有环球投资项目对接(ASGH Deal-making)环节,配对来自世界各地的资金与投资项目,协助业界达成更多具体合作。潜在投资者包括天使投资者、创业投资者、企业风险投资者、私募基金、家族办公室等。

论坛今年亦新增「投资者工作坊」(Investor Workshop),专为有兴趣投资医健企业和初创公司的投资者而设,菱电医疗控股首席执行官胡正忠博士等嘉宾分享现时的投资格局和挑战,以及如何应对行业投资策略、潜力和前景,一同探索投资医疗公司与初创企业之道。

「智慧医健 创新体验」 医疗展聚焦人工智能及机械人技术

由香港贸发局主办、香港医疗及保健器材行业协会协办的第15届香港国际医疗及保健展(医疗展)亦同步于今日(5月16日)揭幕,医疗展以「智慧医健 创新体验」为主题,带来一系列有关机械人技术、针对银髮市场等的崭新医疗健康器械、产品和方案,以及医疗和保健产品等。今届医疗展吸引来自八个国家及地区约300家展商参展,包括六家本地大学、香港科技园等多间重量级科研及学术机构,以及由香港医疗及保健器材行业协会组织的医疗企业展团。


参展商之一元化智能(展位号码: 3E-E02)将带来首个香港制造的全骨科手术辅助机械人,它的机械臂可精准活动,辅助完成髋关节置换和膝关节置换两种手术。另一个本地展商瑞脉科研(展位号码: 3E-E02)则展出一款可穿戴的智能心血管监测仪,监测仪可透过远程监控提供连续血流动力学数据,并根据实时数据,提供度身订造的健康和医疗建议。

匈牙利展商Uscom Ltd.(展位号码: 3E-B06)亦带来一款超声波肺活量测试器,可用作筛检慢性阻塞性肺疾病及监测哮喘和其他慢性肺部疾病。


今届展览沿用「EXHIBITION+」(展览+)模式举行,除了实体展览,环球展商、业界人士和买家可透过「商对易」(Click2Match)智能商贸配对平台进行洽商直至 5 月 25 日。


香港特别行政区政府及香港贸易发展局合办的第四届「亚洲医疗健康高峰论坛」于 5 月 16至 17日假香港会议展览中心举行,今年论坛以「创新‧ 共融 ‧成效」为主题。





亚洲医疗健康高峰论坛邀请到2006年诺贝尔化学奖得主、史丹福大学结构生物学教授Roger Kornberg作为主题演讲嘉宾。

ASGH 环球投资项目环节对接透过线上或线下的一对一会议,连接全球各地医疗保健领域的资金与项目。







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香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)是于1966年成立的法定机构,负责促进、协助和发展香港贸易。贸发局在世界各地设有50个办事处,其中13个设于中国内地,致力推广本港作为双向环球投资及商业枢纽。 香港贸发局通过举办国际展览会、会议及商贸考察团,为企业(尤其是中小企)开拓内地和环球市场的机遇。香港贸发局亦通过研究报告和数码资讯平台,提供最新的市场分析和产品资讯。有关香港贸发局的其他资讯,请浏览www.hktdc.com/aboutus/tc。

CleverTap's 2024 Market Research Report Unveils that Brands Implementing Higher AI Adoption See 4x Boost in Conversions

San Francisco, Calif, & Mumbai, India, May 16, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - CleverTap, the all-in-one engagement platform, today released its market research report on “The AI Edge in Customer Engagement”. The report sheds light on how AI is the next frontier in the customer engagement domain and how brands can implement AI for the right use cases and gain maturity in AI adoption to drive a boost in conversion and growth in business value.

The research conducted by CleverTap highlights insights from analyzing 42 global brands, running campaigns for millions of customers across more than 50 countries. The research participants included a broad spectrum of professionals, from technical specialists in AI to marketing strategists, including profiles like VPs, CMOs, Data Science leads, Product Managers, and Marketers.

The research study serves as a guide for brands navigating the implementation of AI. Brands at the initial stages of AI adoption should aim to progress towards more advanced levels. This will involve brands needing to shift from using AI for operational efficiency to leveraging it for personalization, experimentation, and ultimately, strategic planning and decision-making.

CleverTap has found that in the customer engagement domain:

54% respondents achieved faster content generation and campaign rollout with AI
82% of respondents have experienced increased operational efficiency with AI by streamlining workflows and automating content generation
64% of respondents have used AI to build personalized experiences and content resonating with individual preferences at scale with real-time experimentation for optimal engagement
39% of respondents leveraged AI for automated decision-making and taking more informed decisions by analyzing large volumes of data, predicting outcomes and strategizing for the next best action
In terms of adoption of AI by teams within a brand:

71.4% of respondents highlight that AI capabilities are most extensively utilized by content teams, underscoring the pivotal role AI plays in content generation
Followed by growth marketing teams at 57.1% indicating a robust application of AI in strategizing and expanding marketing efforts. Central marketing and product teams also integrate AI into their operations, although to a lesser extent
CleverTap found that brands today miss out on 4x higher conversions and improved business value due to inefficient AI adoption. CleverTap also assessed the impact of adoption of Clever.AI, CleverTap’s AI engine in brands by classifying these into three levels based on their AI-driven use cases in customer engagement.

The research study categorizes brands based on the value they have realized through three distinct levels of AI adoption. These classifications are determined by their use of Clever.AI’s capabilities in driving operational efficiency, enhancing personalization and experimentation at scale, and automating decision-making.

In Level 1, 89% respondents observed operational efficiency as the primary benefit when utilizing Clever.AI’s capabilities
In Level 2, 90% of respondents observed scalability of personalization and experimentation as their top gain from Clever.AI’s capabilities
In Level 3, around 67% of participants in this category selected AI-automated decision making as their foremost benefit from integrating Clever.AI
The report further looked at the impact of AI on conversion rates and on business value. For more information, download the report here.

Commenting on the report, Jacob Joseph, VP - Data Science, CleverTap, said, “AI is the catalyst reshaping every facet of today’s brands – from optimizing operations and enriching customer engagement to revolutionizing decision-making. The insights highlighted in our 2024 market research report offers a great strategic approach for brands at the initial stages of AI adoption should aim to progress gaining maturity and achieve significant improvements in conversion rates and business value. After all, AI in customer engagement or in a tech stack is no longer just an enhancement, but a necessity for a competitive advantage while addressing evolving customer expectations.”

About CleverTap

CleverTap is the all-in-one engagement platform that helps brands unlock limitless customer lifetime value by helping them create personalized experiences to retain their most valuable customers. The platform empowers businesses to orchestrate experiences for individuals across their lifecycles and design personalized journeys that span a lifetime. It offers analytics that encompasses every aspect of the lifecycle, enabling businesses to measure and optimize each experience in real-time. Its unique AI capability is insightful, empathetic, and prescriptive, facilitating smarter and faster decisions. The all-in-one platform unifies experiences from every touchpoint, paving the way for a new era of customer engagement.

The platform is powered by TesseractDB™ – the world’s first purpose-built database for customer engagement, offering both speed and economies of scale.

CleverTap is trusted by 2000 customers, including Electronic Arts, TiltingPoint, Gamebasics, Big Fish, MobilityWare, TED, English Premier League, TD Bank, Carousell, AirAsia, Papa John’s, and Tesco.

Backed by leading investors such as Peak XV Partners, Tiger Global, Accel, CDPQ, and 360 One, the company is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with presence in New York, São Paulo, Bogota, London, Amsterdam, Sofia, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Singapore, Jakarta, and Ho Chi Minh.

For more information, visit clevertap.com or follow us on:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clevertap/
X: https://twitter.com/CleverTap

Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this press release may represent CleverTap's belief in connection with future events and may be forward-looking statements, or statements of future expectations based on currently available information. CleverTap cautions that such statements are naturally subject to risks and uncertainties that could result in the actual outcome being absolutely different from the results anticipated by the statements mentioned in the press release.

Factors such as the development of general economic conditions affecting our business, future market conditions, our ability to maintain cost advantages, uncertainty with respect to earnings, corporate actions, client concentration, reduced demand, liability or damages in our service contracts, unusual catastrophic loss events, war, political instability, changes in government policies or laws, legal restrictions impacting our business, impact of pandemic, epidemic, any natural calamity and other factors that are naturally beyond our control, changes in the capital markets and other circumstances may cause the actual events or results to be materially different, from those anticipated by such statements. CleverTap does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or updated or revised status of such statements. Therefore, in no case whatsoever will CleverTap and its affiliate companies be liable to anyone for any decision made or action taken in conjunction.

For more information:

Director, Public Relations, CleverTap
+91 9820900036

+91 9590111798