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  • ASGH匯聚超過80位來自全球醫療健康產業精英,探討多個前瞻性議題,包括腦神經科學的最新發展、精準醫療、中醫藥現代應用等
  • 醫療展網羅約300展商展示嶄新醫療器材及科技,包括腦退化評估系統及促進傷口癒合的生物科技等創新方案
  • 醫療展參展商帶來首個香港製造的全骨科手術輔助機械人

香港, 2024年5月16日 - (亞太商訊) - 由香港貿易發展局(香港貿發局)策動的第三屆「國際醫療健康周」已正式開展,當中備受關注的旗艦活動之一第四屆「亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇」(ASGH)在今明兩日(5月16至17日)假灣仔香港會議展覽中心盛大舉行,以「創新.共融.成效」(Innovation.Inclusion.Impact)為主題,推動來自全球與會者與業內翹楚交流。另一旗艦活動第15屆「香港國際醫療及保健展」(5月16至18日)亦於同日展開,吸引約300家展商參展,展示一系列嶄新醫療產品及方案,促進業界環球合作,推動香港發展成醫療創新樞紐。

ASGH開幕環節由香港貿發局主席林建岳博士致歡迎辭,他表示:「亞洲在全球醫療健康行業生態系統的重要性日益增長,香港作為國際金融和商業中心,亦正致力成為健康和醫療創新樞紐,由香港貿發局策動的『國際醫療健康周』,當中旗艦活動『亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇』及『香港國際醫療及保健展』網羅亞洲及不同地區行業精英聚首一堂,為業界締造合作及投資良機,攜手推動亞洲醫療保健的創新發展。 」




論壇匯聚行業星級嘉賓 深入討論前瞻議題

在今日的主題環節I中,醫務衞生局局長盧寵茂教授發表特別致辭,闡述政府籌備成立香港藥物及醫療器械監督管理中心,推動香港成為醫療創新樞紐的進程。國家工業和信息化部消費品工業司司長何亞瓊則分享中國如何推動醫藥工業實現高質量發展,並透過香港作平台,推動中國藥企進入國際市場。主題環節II則邀請到2006年諾貝爾化學獎得主、史丹福大學結構生物學教授Roger Kornberg擔任論壇主講嘉賓,分享生物科技領域的最新發展。


人工智能(AI)是近年熱話,在醫療健康產業的應用愈來愈廣泛。大會在今日下午特設「人工智能驅動醫健創新發展」專題討論環節,由來自美敦力、HeartFlow, Inc等嘉賓探討人工智能為醫健產業帶來的機遇及實際應用,包括診斷心血管疾病等。


連接投資機會 促進醫療健康產業合作及制定營商策略

論壇場內設有InnoHealth Showcase及展覽專區,超過150個醫療健康相關創科企業及公司,展示了涵蓋醫藥與治療、智能醫療、醫療器械與診斷、社區健康與保健等多個範疇的項目與服務方案,並在會場內與世界各地的投資者聯繫、尋找潛在合作夥伴。當中超過70家初創由六間本地大學及數碼港牽頭組織,其中不少更為今年日內瓦發明展獲獎項目。除香港科技園及創新科技署繼續參展,今年來自澳洲的Investment NSW及四川省中醫藥管理局亦首次帶領多家醫療創科公司及機構來港,通過論壇尋找合作伙伴。

除了展示成果及介紹項目,論壇亦設有環球投資項目對接(ASGH Deal-making)環節,配對來自世界各地的資金與投資項目,協助業界達成更多具體合作。潛在投資者包括天使投資者、創業投資者、企業風險投資者、私募基金、家族辦公室等。

論壇今年亦新增「投資者工作坊」(Investor Workshop),專為有興趣投資醫健企業和初創公司的投資者而設,菱電醫療控股首席執行官胡正忠博士等嘉賓分享現時的投資格局和挑戰,以及如何應對行業投資策略、潛力和前景,一同探索投資醫療公司與初創企業之道。

「智慧醫健 創新體驗」 醫療展聚焦人工智能及機械人技術

由香港貿發局主辦、香港醫療及保健器材行業協會協辦的第15屆香港國際醫療及保健展(醫療展)亦同步於今日(5月16日)揭幕,醫療展以「智慧醫健 創新體驗」為主題,帶來一系列有關機械人技術、針對銀髮市場等的嶄新醫療健康器械、產品和方案,以及醫療和保健產品等。今屆醫療展吸引來自八個國家及地區約300家展商參展,包括六家本地大學、香港科技園等多間重量級科研及學術機構,以及由香港醫療及保健器材行業協會組織的醫療企業展團。


參展商之一元化智能(展位號碼: 3E-E02)將帶來首個香港製造的全骨科手術輔助機械人,它的機械臂可精準活動,輔助完成髖關節置換和膝關節置換兩種手術。另一個本地展商瑞脉科研(展位號碼: 3E-E02)則展出一款可穿戴的智能心血管監測儀,監測儀可透過遠程監控提供連續血流動力學數據,並根據實時數據,提供度身訂造的健康和醫療建議。

匈牙利展商Uscom Ltd.(展位號碼: 3E-B06)亦帶來一款超聲波肺活量測試器,可用作篩檢慢性阻塞性肺疾病及監測哮喘和其他慢性肺部疾病。


今屆展覽沿用「EXHIBITION+」(展覽+)模式舉行,除了實體展覽,環球展商、業界人士和買家可透過「商對易」(Click2Match)智能商貿配對平台進行洽商直至 5 月 25 日。


香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局合辦的第四屆「亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇」於 5 月 16至 17日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,今年論壇以「創新‧ 共融 ‧成效」為主題。





亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇邀請到2006年諾貝爾化學獎得主、史丹福大學結構生物學教授Roger Kornberg作為主題演講嘉賓。

ASGH 環球投資項目環節對接透過線上或線下的一對一會議,連接全球各地醫療保健領域的資金與項目。







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香港貿易發展局(香港貿發局)是於1966年成立的法定機構,負責促進、協助和發展香港貿易。香港貿發局在世界各地設有50個辦事處,其中13個設於中國內地,致力推廣本港作為雙向環球投資及商業樞紐。 香港貿發局通過舉辦國際展覽會、會議及商貿考察團,為企業(尤其是中小企)開拓內地和環球市場的機遇。香港貿發局亦通過研究報告和數碼資訊平台,提供最新的市場分析和產品資訊。有關香港貿發局的其他資訊,請瀏覽www.hktdc.com/aboutus/tc。請關注我們的 @香港貿發局 @香港貿發局時尚生活 @香港商貿通 香港貿發局 請訂閱香港貿發局


香港, 2024年5月16日 - (亞太商訊) - 內地乘客可以在網上下單預約大巴車直達港澳啦!







HKTDC kicks off third International Healthcare Week

Asia Summit on Global Health and Medical Fair commence today

  • Over 80 healthcare experts discuss forward-looking topics at Asia Summit on Global Health, including latest trends in neuroscience, precision medicine and Chinese medicine
  • Some 300 exhibitors at Medical Fair showcase latest medtech, such as dementia assessment systems and biotech for wound treatment
  • First orthopaedic surgical robot made in Hong Kong on view at Medical Fair

HONG KONG, May 16, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - The third International Healthcare Week (IHW), organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), opened yesterday, featuring two flagship events.

Themed Innovation. Inclusion. Impact, the fourth Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH) takes place today and tomorrow, facilitating exchange and collaboration among industry players from around the world.

The 15th edition of the Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair (Medical Fair) runs from today to 18 May. Featuring some 300 exhibitors, the Fair showcases a wide range of innovative medical products and solutions and promotes global industry collaboration to position Hong Kong as a hub for medical innovation.

Opening the Summit, HKTDC Chairman Dr Peter K N Lam said: “Asia is growing in importance in the global health ecosystem. With Hong Kong being an international finance and business centre and on its way to becoming a health and medical innovation hub, it is fitting for the HKTDC to organise International Healthcare Week, with the Asia Summit on Global Health and Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair as flagship events, to bring together major industry players from Asia and beyond in our city to foster collaboration and accelerate the development of Asia’s medical and healthcare industry.”

In his opening speech, Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee said, "Technology is a policy priority of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Thanks to the strong support of the National 14th Five-Year Plan and other national strategies, Hong Kong is rapidly emerging as an international innovation and technology hub,” Mr Lee said. “Collaboration and partnerships fast-track innovation. And that, I’m confident, can begin right here, over these two days of forums, plenaries, dialogues and networking sessions. A wealth of medical research and development intelligence and insights, together with the latest I&T, and the experts driving them: all here for you, at this year’s Asia Summit on Global Health.”

During his special remarks, Prof Cao Xuetao, Vice-Minister of the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, pointed out: "Hong Kong as an international financial, maritime trade and innovation hub is leveraging its unique position to connect Mainland China with the world. In recent years, Hong Kong has made significant advancements in the medical and healthcare sectors. These developments, amid the complex and evolving international landscape, have profound implications on global health security, socioeconomic progress and well-being. This underscores the importance of strengthening collaboration to seize new opportunities and address emerging challenges in healthcare.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO), also delivered remarks at the opening session via video link.

Industry elites discuss forward-looking issues at ASGH

In the first plenary session today, Prof Lo Chung-mau, Secretary for Health of the HKSAR, highlighted the preparatory work for the establishment of the Hong Kong Centre for Medical Products Regulation and the progress made in promoting Hong Kong as a health innovation hub. He Yaqiong, Director General of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, shared the country's experience in advancing high-quality development of the healthcare industry. He also discussed how Chinese pharmaceutical companies can effectively use the Hong Kong platform to tap into international markets.

At the second plenary, Prof Roger Kornberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 2006 and Professor of Structural Biology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, spoke about the latest developments in biotechnology.

ASGH gathers more than 80 global leaders in healthcare, including business executives, investors, international research and medical experts and health officials, to discuss diverse industry issues, such as medical and healthcare innovations, healthcare development in China and healthcare investment prospects.

These include Andy Ho, Chief Region Leader of Philips Greater China, Antony Leung, Group Chairman of Nan Fung Group, Prof Tony Mok Shu Kam, Chairman of Department of Clinical Oncology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Prof Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Given the rise of AI in healthcare, the summit held a dedicated session with representatives from Medtronic plc, HeartFlow, Inc. and other organisations discussing AI opportunities and practical applications in the healthcare sector, such as diagnosing cardiovascular diseases.

Day two of ASGH features diverse thematic sessions. With Chinese medicine gaining more attention, the complementary use of Chinese and Western medicine has become a rising trend. Representatives from the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Hospital explore Chinese medicine in modern healthcare, while a session organised with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University discusses the development of innovative drugs with specialists from Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd, AstraZeneca, and Simcere Pharmaceutical Group Limited.

Facilitating connections and opportunities

The exhibition area and InnoHealth Showcase feature projects and services from around the world, including pharmaceutical and therapeutics, AI and digital health, medical device and diagnostics, community health and wellness, from more than 150 innovative technology companies related to healthcare.

Among them, more than 70 start-ups and projects are being showcased with the support of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited and six local universities. Many of these exhibitors were recognised at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions earlier this year.

Aside from the continued participation of The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and HKSAR Innovation and Technology Commission , Australia’s Investment NSW and the Sichuan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine bring innovative healthcare start-ups and institutions to Hong Kong for the first time to help them connect with potential partners and investors.

A core element of the Summit, ASGH deal-making connects project owners and investors from across the globe to discuss collaboration opportunities. Participating investors represent a diverse range of backgrounds, including angel investors, venture capitalists and corporate venture capital, private equity firms, family offices and more.

At the new Investor Workshop, guest speakers, including Dr Charles Hu, Founder and CEO of Ryoden Medical Holdings Ltd., explore investments in healthcare companies and start-ups and share insights into the investment landscape.

AI and robotics - Innovations Boosting Smart Health Experience

The Medical Fair, organised by the HKTDC and co-organised by the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA), showcases cutting-edge medical and healthcare equipment and solutions, including robotics and medical and healthcare products. Themed Innovations Boosting Smart Health Experience, the Fair also features products catered to the silver market.

Covering biotechnology, hospital equipment, rehabilitation, laboratory equipment and more, the Fair’s various zones feature some 300 exhibitors comprising leading research and academic institutions, including six local universities, HKSTP and enterprises led by HKMHDIA. Highlights of exhibits include notable AI and robotics medical technologies as well as cold chain logistics solutions.

Exhibitor Yuanhua Robotics, Perception & AI Technologies (HK) Limited presents the first orthopaedic surgical robot made in Hong Kong, with a robotic arm that can expertly assist with hip and knee replacement operations.

Another Hong Kong exhibitor Sramek Insight Limited presents a wearable smart cardiovascular analyser, which delivers continuous hemodynamic data through remote monitoring, and provides customised medical advice based on real-time data.

Hungary exhibitor Uscom Ltd. showcases an ultrasonic spirometer to assess pulmonary function, which can be used to screen chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and monitor asthma and other chronic pulmonary diseases.

One of the many Medical Fair events, the HKMHDIA Medical Fair Forum this morning featured specialists in innovative medical equipment discussing market trends and future strategies. Tomorrow’s seminar, co-organised with HKSTP, discusses the application of mixed reality and AI in medical technology and explores trends in medical technology worldwide, including the market potential of medical equipment in Mainland China.

Leveraging the HKTDC EXHIBITION+ hybrid model, the physical Medical Fair is complemented by Click2Match smart business matching to extend the sourcing journey from 9 to 25 May.

Photo Download: https://bit.ly/3K5z7Y8

The fourth Asia Summit on Global Health, co-organised by the Hong Kong SAR Government and HKTDC, takes place today and tomorrow

Dr Peter K N Lam, HKTDC Chairman, gives a welcome address

John Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, delivers opening remarks

Prof Cao Xuetao, Deputy Director of the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, delivers special remarks

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organisation, delivered remarks at the opening session via video link

ASGH invited Prof Roger Kornberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 2006 and Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University School of Medicine, as guest speaker

ASGH deal-making connects project owners and investors globally through in-person and online meetings

To foster collaboration across healthcare, this year's Summit also facilitated the signing of a number of cooperation agreements

The Medical Fair features a wide range of exhibition zones, such as Biotechnology, Hospital Equipment, Rehabilitation and Elderly Care Products, and assists exhibitors and buyers to establish global connections

Medical Fair exhibitor Yuanhua Robotics debuts the first orthopaedic surgical robot made in Hong Kong, which can assist in hip and knee replacement operations

Hong Kong exhibitor Sramek Insight Limited presents a wearable smart cardiovascular analyser. Comprising a data router and an inflatable blood pressure watch, the device delivers continuous hemodynamic data and provides customised medical advice

International Healthcare Week: https://internationalhealthcareweek.hktdc.com/en
Asia Summit On Global Health: https://www.asiasummitglobalhealth.com/conference/asgh/en
Programme: https://www.asiasummitglobalhealth.com/conference/asgh/en/programme
Speakers: https://www.asiasummitglobalhealth.com/conference/asgh/en/speaker
Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair: https://www.hktdc.com/event/hkmedicalfair/en
List of products: https://www.hktdc.com/event/hkmedicalfair/en/product
Activity schedule: https://www.hktdc.com/event/hkmedicalfair/en/intelligence-hub

Media enquiries

For enquiries, please contact Hill & Knowlton:

Joyce Kwong

Tel: (852) 2894 6321 / 6842 5929

Email: joyce.kwong@hillandknowlton.com

Lynn Zhang

Tel: (852) 2894 6301 / 9794 5751

Email: lynn.zhang@hillandknowlton.com

HKTDC’s Communications & Public Affairs Department:

Asia Summit on Global Health

Clayton Lauw

Tel: (852) 2584 4472


Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair

Jane Cheung

Tel: (852) 2584 4137


Media Room: http://mediaroom.hktdc.com


The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via research reports and digital news channels. For more information, please visit: www.hktdc.com/aboutus. Follow us on Twitter @hktdc and LinkedIn