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2024 CAP Consumer Survey Shows Increase in Piracy on Social Media and Messaging Platforms in Asia Pacific

SINGAPORE, May 2, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - The Asia Video Industry Association’s Coalition Against Piracy (CAP) has published its 2024 annual piracy consumer survey, conducted by YouGov. Despite a decrease in piracy on pirate TV boxes, pirate apps and streaming or torrent websites, the survey shows an increase in the incidence of piracy across the region, climbing from 52% last year to 59% this year due to more piracy on social media and messaging platforms. Particularly concerning are the increases in the Philippines (12% yoy) and Vietnam (13% yoy), with both countries also now having the region’s highest incidences of piracy amongst their populations, at 70% and 71% respectively.

The dominance of social media and messaging platforms as the conduit to piracy not only remains, but has grown more severe, increasing by 14% across the region. Meanwhile, only 13% of consumers in the region now access pirated content through websites, and 11% by pirate TV boxes – both down from last year.

Awareness of the negative consequences of piracy (89%) remains extremely high across the region, with consumers being most aware of criminals profiting from pirate services, the risks of malware and the damage piracy causes to local industry being most prominent. And the impact of judicial or administrative orders requiring ISPs to block access to pirate sites is clear, with Indonesian (59%), Vietnamese (54%), Malaysian (42%) and Singaporean (28%) consumers saying they have either stopped entirely or rarely access pirate sites as a direct result of sites being blocked.

The survey shows a dramatic increase in the number of consumers in Asia-Pacific both searching for and accessing pirate content via social media or messaging services. CAP is continuing to work with the major platforms across the region to address this issue but remains concerned with the lack of response from some platforms, notably Telegram.

Matt Cheetham, General Manager of CAP, noted, “We are greatly encouraged by the continuing downward trend of consumers accessing pirate content from illegal websites, which reflects the work done over many years in the region by industry and governments. However, it is clear that social media and messaging platforms must do more to prevent their services being used to find and access pirate content.”

About the Survey

The survey was conducted online by YouGov between 1st to 7th February 2024. Research was conducted in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The sample size was 10,123 people across all 8 Markets.

About the Asia Video Industry Association

The Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) is the trade association for the video industry and ecosystem in Asia Pacific. It serves to make the video industry stronger and healthier through promoting the common interests of its members. AVIA is the interlocutor for the industry with governments across the region, leads the fight against video piracy through its Coalition Against Piracy (CAP) and provides insight into the video industry through reports and conferences aimed to support a vibrant video industry.

For media enquiries and additional background please contact:
Charmaine Kwan
Head of Marketing and Communications
Email: charmaine@avia.org
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/asiavideoia | Twitter: @AsiaVideoIA



香港, 2024年5月2日 - (亞太商訊) - 富通保險有限公司(「富通保險」)於昨日宣佈將於本年第三季更名為周大福人壽保險有限公司,以強化與周大福企業(「集團」)多元業務體系的協同。今天隨即宣佈攜手價值醫療戰略合作夥伴、集團旗下的大灣區醫療集團,及大灣區三甲醫院之一的廣州市第一人民醫院南沙醫院(「廣州市一南沙醫院」),三方深度合作為指定產品客戶提供一站式跨境中西合璧醫療服務,同時提供跨境直接支付安排*,優化健康管理之餘提升理賠體驗,開創超越保險以外的價值。

此舉措為富通保險四大生活範疇之一「# PowerUp 身心動力」旗下的年度重點醫療健康項目。透過是次三方通力合作,富通保險指定產品客戶將可在廣州市一南沙醫院和大灣區醫療集團於大灣區指定的網絡醫療機構內獲得包括中醫、西醫、全科及專科,以至住院的一站式高品質醫療服務。除此之外,若經客戶准許授權,更可實現跨境電子病歷、檢驗檢查結果在大灣區內醫療機構的互認互通,讓其體驗無憂便捷的醫療服務。







富通保險有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(「富通保險」)為新創建集團有限公司(香港股份代號: 659)之全資附屬公司。服務香港逾三十年,富通保險透過與集團多元業務協同,致力成為客戶的人生規劃師,提供全面的生活和終身保障方案,從創富傳承、健康養生到優質生活,照顧個人和家庭不同人生階段的需要。憑藉集團的雄厚財務實力及先進數碼科技,富通保險矢志成為粵港澳大灣區領先的保險公司,創造超越保險以外的共享價值,邁向可持續發展的未來。


大灣區醫療集團由鄭裕彤家族辦公室--周大福企業有限公司進行控股戰略投資,憑借金牌家庭醫生服務帶來的預防醫學和健康管理優勢,與國際保險公司攜手研發集門診+住院服務於一體的創新型跨境醫療險產品,推動大灣區價值醫療(Value-Based Care)模式的發展。迄今為止,集團已攜手各地政府培養逾2500名金牌全科醫護,在160余家公立醫療機構設立了港式家庭醫生工作室及港澳居民健康服務中心,推動167種常見病、多發病的標準化診療模式的發展。同時,集團已逐步實現在港式家庭醫生工作室等醫療網點開通商保直付服務,為價值醫療落地灣區邁出關鍵一步。



鄺淑儀 (Suki Kwong)
+852 2591 8504 / 6012 3298

CyberSecID Conference 2024 - Zero Trust for Today, Zero Worries for Tomorrow

JAKARTA, May 2, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - Immerse yourself in the forefront of technological innovation at the CyberSecAsia - Indonesia Summit 2024, hosted in the vibrant landscape of Jakarta, Indonesia. Scheduled for July 18, 2024, this summit marks a pivotal moment in the realm of cybersecurity within the diverse sectors.

In a landscape where challenges intersect with resilience, industries across the board find themselves at the leading edge of digital transformation. Embrace the future of cybersecurity—where agile methodology intertwines seamlessly with robust fortification against evolving threats.

What awaits you at this pioneering event?

- Insightful Presentations: Engage in thought-provoking presentations uncovering the depths of cybersecurity, innovation, regulatory compliance, digital risk management, and the convergence of technology. Esteemed experts and technologists from diverse backgrounds will share invaluable insights and practical strategies, providing actionable takeaways and case studies.

- Dynamic Panel Discussions: Participate in vibrant discussions led by industry visionaries, where pressing issues shaping cybersecurity will be explored, analyzed, and demystified.

- Innovative Showcase: Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge technology with an exhibition featuring top-tier cybersecurity firms and pioneering fintech solutions that redefine industry benchmarks.

- Networking Galore: Connect with a diverse community of senior security professionals, tech enthusiasts, and leaders. Share insights, experiences, and innovative strategies that drive digital transformation.

Brought to you in collaboration with prominent industry leaders and supported by leading cybersecurity associations, CyberSecID promises to be a milestone in the tech landscape. Join us as we explore, innovate, and sculpt the future of secure technology.

Save the date for July 18, 2024 and mark your presence in this transformative event shaping the next chapter of cybersecurity. Indonesia beckons your participation—seize the opportunity to lead the evolution of the cybersecurity domain.

For event updates and exclusive details, stay tuned, and prepare to be part of a summit that shapes the future of cybersecurity.

Register here: https://app.anffy.com/f/6jfcom185001?qfchannel=csid2024
Event website: https://cybersecasia.org/indonesia

For more details on sponsorship or attendance, please reach out to the event producer, Bede Uwalaka - bede.uwalaka@escom-events.com